Maigo in Hyogo: April ’11
Where in Hyogo can you see this majestic mountain view?
Leave your answer in the comment box below…
For past issues of Maigo in Hyogo, click here
Where in Hyogo can you see this majestic mountain view?
Leave your answer in the comment box below…
For past issues of Maigo in Hyogo, click here
Where’s this?
After living in Japan for a few years now, I am still adding to my list of ‘must do’ in Japan, and attempting to cross a few things off too. During February’s three day weekend, I was happy to finally visit the snow monkeys…
You cannot write for the Japanese culture and arts section and not address food. I’ve said this countless times, and as many of us who live in Japan know, food is such an important part of Japanese culture, both seasonally and traditionally.
What temple has the weary pilgrim found?
This is a two-parter Maigo. Can you guess where this…particular statue…can be found? Can you also guess what this…guy…is trying to sell you? No wait, that looked weird as soon as I typed it. Okay. Never mind that part! This guy is actually the mascot of a very tasty and popular item. Oh gosh that sounds worse…you know what, never mind. Just start guessing.
Where in Hyogo can these precocious primates be found?