Note: The Alien Registration system was abolished in summer 2012 and has been replaced by a new Residency system. Please view the following Ministry of Justice pamphlet for more details:
For most third year JETs, the last day on your visa is also your last day of work. That means that, unless you leave Japan before you finish your contract (which your contracting organization will probably not allow), you will have to get a temporary visitor visa so as not to be residing illegally in Japan.
Necessary Documentation to Obtain a Temporary Visitor Status of Residence:
- Application for Change of Status or Residence. You can get this at Immigration Offices, or download it from the Immigration Bureau’s website: (scroll down to “List of Necessary Documents”).
- Passport
- Alien Registration Card or Residence Card
- Explanation of why you are staying in Japan (a short letter written in Japanese by your school)
- A copy of your airline ticket out of Japan, or a copy of your confirmed reservation.
- Proof that you have enough money for traveling and living in Japan until your departure date. (A copy of your bank book.)
Things To Note
- Temporary visas may be issued in one day if all of the necessary documents are presented and the application is approved. Ask your supervisor to call the immigration office before you go to ask if your application may be processed in one day.
- Temporary visitor visas are valid from the date of issue for a period that usually extends to 90 days after issuance, but sometimes for a shorter period of time.
- It is illegal to work on a temporary visitor visa. Therefore, you should ask the immigration officer to issue your temporary visitor visa to start the day after the last day of your contract.
- The provisions for the CO-sponsored Return Tickets still apply with a temporary visitor visa.
- For detailed information on how to apply for a temporary visitor visa, please refer to the April CLAIR News, under the section “Procedures Concerning Status of Residence and Period of Stay”, “6) Staying in Japan at the End of the JET Appointment for the Purpose of Sightseeing, Study or Employment.”