Tōshiya: Archery
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Tōshiya: Archery

The Japanese deem the twentieth year of an individual’s life as the one which signifies the official “coming of age.” In all aspects of Japanese society, the twentieth year marks the age where teenagers are thrust into the world of adulthood, whereby they become morally, and often, economically responsible for their future. Every January, scores of teenagers experience a sudden revolution in their physical and social being, one which is marked by joyous celebrations – and in this case, long, beautifully carved wooden bows and exquisitely designed kimonos.

News from your National AJET Rep: March ’11

News from your National AJET Rep: March ’11

Hey Hyogo JETs, hope your winter vacations have been great! Now, I know all the ski trips, Valentine’s chocolate, naked men melées and graduation ceremonies are wrapping up, but don’t resign yourself to Facebook and Cracked.com just yet. Not that I’m knocking either of them – heck, they’re bookmarked on both of my school computers. I’ll never look at Grimace the same way again…sniffle…