English Sensei Spirit: My Year Without JTEs
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English Sensei Spirit: My Year Without JTEs

Last school year I heard my vice-principal half-whispering to my principal:  “Oh, Amanda?  She can do it.” “It” was teaching two out of three junior high school grades without a JTE.   We had gone from three JTEs to two because of students-to-staff proportional downsizing, and it was just too many classes for them to teach. …

On Finding a Japanese Boyfriend…

On Finding a Japanese Boyfriend…

Two issues back, a comic in this publication compared the chance of a foreign female getting a Japanese boyfriend to one’s chance of winning the lottery.  Winning the lottery’s definitely more difficult!  Whatever you’ve heard, there’s a shot for those of us raised in the West too. I don’t have any fancy percentages for you,…