Hanami Highlights
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Those of you who teach in elementary school have probably already gotten your first taste of “Hi, Friends!†– the book they’re using to replace good ol’英語ノート(EIGO NOTO). Hi, Friends!, which in no way lends itself to funny mock-titles, is dragging my elementary school kicking and fighting into the 21st century. Because while the book…
A photo gallery from Jon Burroughs
What temple has the weary pilgrim found?
Festivities in Kobe’s Chinatown during the first weekend of February celebrated Shunsetsu, and the start of the year of the Rabbit. Beginning February 3rd with the new moon (to end January 22nd, 2012), Rabbit years are said to be for catching one’s breath after the dynamism of the Tiger. This year’s Rabbit is associated with the element metal, so the fluffy bunny may have a bit of a sharp edge (perhaps dulled a little by the fact that it’s yin metal, not yang this year)! Nankin-machi was thronged with visitors all weekend long, and on display were performances of dance, acrobatics, tai chi, as well as the famous lion and dragon dances.
I love this style of cooking in Japan. It is wonderful to all sit around the hot pot and enjoy cooking and eating together. This dish’s name comes from the sound of the meat or fish swishing in the water as it is cooked.
Sometimes when you’re homesick and nothing is working to keep you motivated and happy, you need to do something out the ordinary. Similar to most of you, I decided to go traveling around Japan for spring break. Even though I love Awaji, every now and then I get island fever. I prepared for this trip…