HyogoJET Blogs

The following are a list of blogs maintained by Hyogo JETs. If you’d like to add yours to the list, send us an email at publications@hyogo.ajet.net.

A Walk in Japan

  • A Walk in Japan provides information on culture, food, travel, and the JET Program.
  • From Stephen on Awaji

From the Eastern Edge

  • I teach English in Japan. Among other things.
  • From one of our own awesome writers, Emily Lemmon.

Hyogo Exchange

  • Japanese culture, life and language from a Western Australian teacher on the inside. For teachers and students of Japanese (don’t tell them it’s educational).
  • From Mike, a past JET in Kobe.

Adventures in Japanland

  • Adventures in Japanland. From my little corner of the world.
  • From Jackie in Nishinomiya