Book Club 16 Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls
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Book Club 16 Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls

  The HAJET book club met on Sunday September 4th to discuss our first book of the year, Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls by David Sedaris.   This book is actually a group of essays,mostly from the point of view from the author and inspired by his own life. It was interesting that a few…

The “Japanese Literary Nerd” Starter Pack
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The “Japanese Literary Nerd” Starter Pack

    Reading Japanese literature in Japan is a wonderful experience. If you’re a massive nerd like me, you can take literary pilgrimages to the places you visit in the novels.  I have traveled to some incredibly beautiful places because Mishima sent his melancoly protagonist there to describe the beauty of the landscape while pondering…

Bojack Horseman: A Review of Season 3
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Bojack Horseman: A Review of Season 3

I always find it curious how relatable Bojack Horseman (the show) is, considering how alien to the experiences of most people Bojack Horseman (the character) is: he’s half-man, half-horse; he doesn’t need to work yet maintains an absolutely palatial lifestyle; he operates on a level of fame akin to David Schwimmer or the guy who…

Deadpool: “I’m Touching Myself Tonight”
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Deadpool: “I’m Touching Myself Tonight”

    Now that Deadpool has finally arrived in a blaze of obscene glory, I can finally review it! I first saw it in February at an English-only theater in Vienna with two friends who are former JETs. I then got to dangle this fact over my current JET friends’ heads as they salivated in…

Fistful of Fun: 5 Fantastic(al) Series to Read
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Fistful of Fun: 5 Fantastic(al) Series to Read

    The All Souls Trilogy A Discovery of Witches #1, Shadow of Night #2, The Tree of Life #3 by Deborah Harkness    “It begins with absence and desire. It begins with blood and fear. It begins with a discovery of witches.”   For those interested in: universities, libraries, witches, vampires, daemons, foreign countries,…

You Get a Plot Point, and You Get a Plot Point; Everybody Gets a Plot Point! Captain America: Civil War

You Get a Plot Point, and You Get a Plot Point; Everybody Gets a Plot Point! Captain America: Civil War

    For perhaps the first time since I moved to Japan, a movie I was interested in seeing was released here before America! To celebrate such a momentous occasion, a visiting friend and I saw Civil War in IMAX 3D. On its own, it was enjoyable, but I was pleased with our decision from…