Bonus: Tips for Keeping Busy in your Downtime

I was inspired to write this piece because a friend of mine is moving to Japan and the thought of living alone freaks her out. I assured her that distractions and forming routines once she’s here are the best way to alleviate these kinds of anxiety. Even if it’s not the case for you, whether it’s at home or at the office, some JETs have a lot of time on their hands. Having free time is a luxury; don’t waste it, maximize it!




1.Educate yourself

There are a huge number of free online courses available these days. Take advantage and learn about anything that remotely interests you. If you’re worried about sticking with a course, you could also consider something that provides certification at the end. The breadth of online certifications available should not to be sniffed at. For these, just be careful that there aren’t any requirements you have to fulfill in person.


2. Explore new hobbies

Let’s face it, hobbies are time consuming, but really enrich your life. Especially take advantage of hobbies you try that are unavailable in your home country. Don’t take it too seriously at first either, and allow yourself to take on some hobbies casually as you discover what you really like.


3. Become a YouTuber or Blogger

If this sounds crazy, think again! You’re already braver than the majority of the people you know – you left your comfort zone and are living in a foreign country! Everything in your life is interesting because it’s so different from theirs. Plus you’ll thank yourself later for keeping a record of this exciting time in your life.


4. Learn new skills

This may sound similar to exploring new hobbies, but it’s not so involved. Like maybe cooking isn’t something that enthralls you, but hey, since you’re forced to cook for yourself at times, why not try out some recipes to add to your repertoire? It’ll come in handy later in life too. Google ‘skills everyone should know’ and you’ll find plenty to keep you occupied.


5. Work out

So maybe you’re not feeling anxious like my friend is, but if you are feeling any negativity, working out not only helps you look good but helps you feel good too! And if my tiny inaka town has a gym, yours does too. If the gym isn’t your thing then find a new hobby that involves being active!


6. Organize your files

I’m talking about digital files. I did this recently and it felt great. I deleted 286 gigabytes worth of files, organized my pictures, documents, lolcat pictures (don’t judge), and everything else. About an hour a day for a week means that I can now easily find anything I want and not have to worry about space on my hard drive (also my future self will be happy).


7. Read and watch all the things!

Now, don’t argue that it’s more difficult to acquire the things you want to read and watch being in Japan. All I’ll say is if there’s a will, there’s a way (wink). Do it and finally join the conversation on some of the best movies, shows, documentaries, books that you’ve always wanted to join! It’ll definitely take up loads of time and this can tie in to educating yourself as well!


8. Plan your next activity

This one is my specialty. As JETs we have the time and money to really take advantage of living in Japan, the land of festivities. Every corner of Japan has a specialty, a history, a festival, something unique about it. Do the research and make plans to go! (Not to mention how accessible the rest of Asia is). It would be great vlog/blog content too.


9.Give yourself a giggle

So a lot of what I’ve mentioned so far is productive in some way, but this one is simple. Make yourself laugh. Watch the funny videos you come across, click through the lolcat pictures (or whatever floats your boat), read humorous articles, whatever it is. No day is complete without laughter.


10. Keep in touch

It’s so easy for weeks to pass by before realizing we haven’t spoken to our loved ones. The place you left behind is changing just as much as you are and in this day and age, there’s absolutely no reason to throw your hands up in defeat that you’ve ‘drifted apart’ from it. Those people you left behind helped get you where you are today, so don’t forget about them. Even a little bit goes a long way when keeping in touch.


I’m hoping this list gives you some new ideas or inspires you to incorporate some to your own routine. And of course, use your own discretion as to which you can attempt at school. Start as soon as possible! Remember, a year from now you’ll be glad you started today.


by Jennifer Garcia

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