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  1. I stumbled on this website. I didn’t know what school it is, but there is a sign refering to Kobe Marathon and so I guessed it is near Kobe. There is a white keep of a castle in the background “tenshukaku.” The are a bit over hundred or so castles in Japan, not all are white, not all have keeps. Using google maps, I picked a castle in Western Japan near kobe at random, Akashi castle in Miki…I think I got lucky. Take a look at the relationship between the field and the keep:,134.990425&spn=0.002948,0.004801&sll=34.6532,134.991685&sspn=0.002948,0.004801&radius=0.16&t=k&z=18
    The color of the field is different on google maps…but I dont think that means anythign. Do I get a prize?

  2. Good job! The answer is Akashi Park, site of Akashi castle. As for the prize…it’s the satisfaction of knowing you got the answer. You also get a permanent record of your achievement on this site!

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