Rebecca on an Aeroplane

Rebecca on an Aeroplane

  Last night, I had a dream we flew Pacific Northwest again. But we never can. I suppose I should introduce myself, but I won’t; suffice to say, you’d probably pronounce my name wrong. Certainly they did when I first boarded that plane, all those years ago: “Hello, Miss” an incomprehensible murmur. Nowadays, I would…

The Bienvenant

The Bienvenant

  The Bienvenant is one of the more modern species of ghosts, and possibly the first I ever personally encountered. They are largely benevolent, existing mostly to put at ease newcomers to their haunt.   When I was twenty three, I moved to the city of Edinburgh and was welcomed by a downpour the likes…

Sweat Days
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Sweat Days

It was, simply put, too hot. The sun watched the classroom with a sort of bored malevolence, reaching down its long fingers and poisoning whatever it touched with a brush of its hand. Everything radiated heat: the walls, the chairs, the desks; everyone in the room was shifting in a low-key rhythm, trying to find…